Grants and Awards
See also: Curriculum Vitae
WP leader in EC HORIZON-RIA grant "REXASI-PRO: REliable & eXplAinable Swarm Intelligence for People with Reduced mObility" (ID: 101070028)
Funding: 4M EUR total, of which 447,877 EUR to my unit. (EC link)
PI in EPSRC New Investigator Award grant "MCPS-Verisec: Model-based security of medical cyber-physical systems" (EP/W014785/1)
Funding: 424,397 GBP. (GoW link)
PI in "Predictive Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems"
Funding: 38,487 GBP. Supported by Research Inst. in Verified Trustworthy Software Systems and UK National CyberSecurity Center.
Named researcher and proposal co-author in "TOPDRIM: Topology-driven methods for complex systems" (EC FP7-ICT-318121)
Funding: 1.92M EUR in total (467,576 EUR to my unit) (EC link)
HPC-EUROPA2 fellowship on "Parallel agent-based simulation for bone remodeling"
Funding for two-month visiting period at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge (UK), and at the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, University of Edinburgh (UK)
Paper awards
Best paper award at at FORMATS 2022, the 20th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems
MCED Award 2nd prize for Innovative Contributions to Ecological Modelling
Awarded to co-author Marianna Taffi (Università di Camerino) by Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. (PAPER) (TOOL PAGE)
Valuable Artefacts Prize from Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
"HeartVerify: model-based quantitative verification of implantable cardiac pacemakers". (TOOL PAGE)
Best Young Researcher Paper Award
Awarded to co-author Marianna Taffi (Università di Camerino) by International Society of Ecological modelling. (PAPER) (TOOL PAGE)
Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Health Informatics
Personal awards
Associate professorship habilitation in Computer Science in Italy
Best Young Researcher Award
Awarded by the School of Advanced Studies of University of Camerino as the best Ph.D. student of the year.
(4x) Annual Merit Scholarships from University of Camerino
Obtained for four consecutive years for academic merit.
Presentation awards
Best poster award at the Oxford Computer Science Conference
Poster title: "Closed-loop quantitative verification of rate-adaptive pacemakers" (Download Poster)
Best poster award at the 3rd Scientific Day of Camerino University
Poster title: "Computing the optimal cocktail: formal methods and hybrid control for scheduling multiple treatments" (Download Poster)
Best poster award at the 2nd Scientific Day of Camerino University
Poster title: "Multiple Verification in Complex Biological Systems: The Bone Remodelling Case Study" (Download Poster)
2nd Best poster award at the NETTAB 2012 workshop
Poster title: "How the Investigation of the link between marine food web and bioremediation would lead to an improved human health risk assessment" (Download Poster)
3rd Best poster award at the 2nd European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition (EU FET flagship conference)
Poster title: "Methodological Bridges for Multi-Level Systems" (Download Poster)