Synthesizing Stealthy Attacks on Cardiac Devices
An Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) is a medical device for the detection of fatal cardiac arrhythmias and their treatment through electrical shocks intended to restore normal heart rhythm. An ICD reprogramming attack seeks to alter the device parameters to induce unnecessary therapy or prevent required therapy.
We present a formal approach for the synthesis of ICD reprogramming attacks that are both effective, i.e., lead to fundamental changes in the required therapy, and stealthy, i.e., are hard to detect. We focus on the discrimination algorithm underlying Boston Scientific devices (one of the principal ICD manufacturers) and formulate the synthesis problem as one of multi-objective optimization. Our solution technique is based on an Optimization Modulo Theories (OMT) encoding of the problem and allows us to derive device parameters that are optimal with respect to the effectiveness-stealthiness tradeoff. Our method can be tailored to the patients current condition, and generalizes to unseen signals.
Closed-loop quantitative verification of rate-adaptive pacemakers
Rate-adaptive (RA) pacemakers are able to adjust the pacing rate depending on the levels of activity of the patient, detected by processing physiological signals data. RA pacemakers represent the only choice when the heart rate cannot naturally adapt to increasing demand (e.g. AV block). RA parameters depend on many patient-specific factors, and effective personalisation of such treatments can only be achieved through extensive exercise testing, which is normally intolerable for a cardiac patient.
We introduce a data-driven and model-based approach for the quantitative verification of RA pacemakers and formal analysis of personalised treatments. We developed a novel dual-sensor pacemaker model where the adaptive rate is computed by blending information from an accelerometer, and a metabolic sensor based on the QT interval (a feature of the ECG). The approach builds on the HeartVerify tool to provide statistical model checking of the probabilistic heart-pacemaker models, and supports model personalization from ECG data (see heart model page). Closed-loop analysis is achieved through the online generation of synthetic, model-based QT intervals and acceleration signals.
We further extend the model personalization method to estimate parameters from patient population, thus enabling safety verification of the device. We evaluate the approach on three subjects and a pool of virtual patients, providing rigorous, quantitative insights into the closed-loop behaviour of the device under different exercise levels and heart conditions.
HeartVerify: Model-Based Quantitative Verification of Cardiac Pacemakers
HeartVerify is a framework for the analysis and verification of pacemaker software and personalised heart models. Models are specified in MATLAB Stateflow and are analysed using the Cosmos tool for statistical model checking, thus enabling the analysis of complex nonlinear dynamics of the heart, where precise (numerical) verification methods typically fail.
The approach is modular in that it allows configuring and testing different heart and pacemaker models in a plug-and-play fashion, without changing their communication interface or the verification engine. It supports the verification of probabilistic properties, together with additional analyses such as simulation, generation of probability density plots (see figure) and parametric analyses. HeartVerify comes with different heart and pacemaker models, including methods for model personalization from ECG data and rate-adaptive pacing.
Hardware-in-the-loop energy optimization
Energy efficiency of cardiac pacemakers is crucial because it reduces the frequency of device re-implantations, thus improving the quality of life of cardiac patients.
To achieve effective energy optimisation, we take a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation approach: the pacemaker model is encoded into hardware and interacts with a computer simulation of the heart model. In addition, a power monitor is attached to the pacemaker to provide real-time power consumption measurements. The approach is model-based and supports generic control systems. Controller (e.g., pacemaker) and plant (e.g., heart) models are specified as networks of parameterised timed input/output automata (using MATLAB Stateflow) and translated into executable code.
We realise a fully automated optimisation workflow, where HIL simulation is used to build a probabilistic power consumption model from power measurement data. The obtained model is used by the optimisation algorithm to find optimal pacemaker parameters that e.g., minimise consumption or maximise battery lifetime. We additionally employ parameter synthesis methods to restrict the search to safe parameters. We employ timed Petri nets as an intermediate representation of the executable specification, which facilitates efficient code generation and fast simulations.
Probabilistic timed modelling of cardiac dynamics and personalization from ECG
We developed a timed automata translation of the IDHP (Integrated Dual-chamber Heart and Pacer) model by Lian et al. Timed components realize the conduction delays between functional components of the heart and action potential propagation between nodes is implemented through synchronisation between the involved components. In this way, the model can be easily extended with other accessory conduction pathways in order to reproduce specific heart conditions.
The IDHP model can be also parametrised from patient electrocardiogram (ECG) in order to reproduce the specific physiological characteristics of the individual. For this purpose, we extended the model in order to generate synthetic ECG signals that reflect the heart events occurring at simulation time. Starting from raw ECG recordings, our method automatically finds model parameters such that the synthetic signal best mimics the input ECG, by minimising the statistical distance between the two. The resulting parameters correspond to probabilistic delays in order to reflect variability of ECG features.
The IDHP heart model can be downloaded from the tool page, while personalization from ECG data is implemented in the HeartVerify tool.
Parameter synthesis for pacemaker design optimization
Verification is useful in establishing key correctness properties of cardiac pacemakers, but has limitations, in that it is not clear how to redesign the model if it fails to satisfy a given property. Instead, parameter synthesis aims to automatically find optimal values of parameters to guarantee that a given property is satisfied.
In this project, we develop methods to synthesize pacemaker parameters that are safe, robust and, at the same time, able to optimise a given quantitative requirement such as energy consumption or clinical indicators. We solve this problem by combining symbolic methods (SMT solving) for ruling out parameters that violate heart safety (red areas in the figure) with evolutionary strategies for optimising the quantitative requirement.